Sustainable fashion is important for all of us, the people, but also the planet, the animals. The fashion industry is a big contributor to climate change. Unfortunately, it is still a struggle to find beautiful and highly functional clothing that is also sustainably made.

Dressing for function, durability, and comfort it is not so easy when looking for ethically made fashion. In addition it is important to find pieces that make you feel confident and that you enjoy wearing.

Eco-friendly clothing is as important as the food we put in our body and the products we put on our skin. Let's shift our purchasing decisions to create a greener planet. It is great to pay attention to the quality of our garments. But let's not forget the supply chain.

Fast fashion is the biggest culprit. It is responsible for poor working conditions, low wages, exploitation, water, soil and air pollution, huge textile waste, and toxic chemicals. Fast fashion is putting the future of our planet at risk.

Let's not forget that sustainability is not just about using eco-friendly materials. In reality, sustainability affect the entire supply chain, from raw material sourcing up to end of life-cycle.

We have to stop deforestation, water contamination and the exploitation of small farmers. We have to take true responsibility for our environmental impact. At Panaprium, we want to make everyone aware of the environmental impact from fabric production.

We take great care of choosing materials engineered to last longer. Forget about cheap polyester tops that hold on to bacteria and stink very fast after just a little workout. We want quality, organic or recycled materials to create functional and greener garments.

Fabric choice is very important to ensure stronger pieces that are also soft and flexible with anti-microbial properties. Us as consumers have to think about how we purchase our clothes and how this affects the environment. It is best to invest in clothes that last longer.

Everybody can do something. Small steps in the right direction go a long way. We need to take responsibility for our choices. And buy less! Invest in staple sportswear. It is a priceless asset.

Sustainable fashion is important. Please do your research next time your are shopping. You have the power as a consumer. It is the small steps we take every day that help build a more sustainable fashion future.

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About the Author: Alex Assoune

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